One Phone
Easily Remote Your

No need to worry about signal reception as long as there’s Wi-Fi.
Now, recline on the sofa and enjoy the convenience of Mouse Link!

Discover a wealth of features awaiting you

Mouse Link Features

Mouse & Keyboard

The mouse and keyboard are easy to use, making it as easy to use as a laptop!

Wi-Fi Signal Transmission

Remotely controlled computers are different from traditional wireless mice and keyboards. You no longer have to worry about distance issues.

Medai Control

Play, previous, next song with just one click

Custom Shortcut Keys

Set your own shortcut keys. You don’t have to press one key after another to press the shortcut keys.

File Editing Control

Copy, paste, save, select all, search, replace, quick and hassle-free editing

Transfer Data between Mobile and PC

Use the clipboard to transfer text and images between your phone and computer

Presentation Mode

Presentation mode to turn your phone into a presentation pen.

Browser Control

Browsing the web becomes more relaxed and enjoyable, increasing usage efficiency

Are you ready?

Start Enjoying Mouse Link!